Ucayali Region, Peru. 2011.
I collected birds as part of a Louisiana State University led expedition during my time as a PhD student. We spent three months collecting in the upper Ucayali river basin of the Peruvian Amazon. We camped in remote wilderness under trees that were cloaked with epiphytes. The dizzying vertical structure of these pristine forests was unlike anything I had ever seen! Our work contributed greatly to the understanding of avian biogeography of this region, and is published in the Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Resulting publication:
(my name in bold)
Harvey, M. G., G. F. Seeholzer, D. Cáceres A., B. M. Winger, J. G. Tello, F. H. Camacho, M. A. Aponte Justiniano, C. D. Judy, S. F. Ramírez, R. S. Terrill, C. E. Brown, L. A. A. León, G. Bravo, M. Combe, O. Custodio, A. Q. Zumaeta, A. U. Tello, W. A. G. Bravo, A. Z. Savit, F. W. P. Ruiz, W. M. Mauck III, and O. Barden. 2014. The avian biogeography of an Amazonian headwater: the Upper Ucayali River, Peru. Wilson j. ornithol. 126:179–191. (PDF)